Última chamada

Hear ye, hear ye! É hoje o último dia para visitar a exposição final de alunos da Nextart. Pintura, Desenho, Aguarelas, Ilustração, Escultura e contos catitas por dois pisos a transbordar de talento.

The Infinite Monkey Cage

Once upon a time, when the world was younger, a new plant sprouted that began releasing a strange new gas. It was poisonous and it started killing everything around it. That new, deadly gas was oxygen. This was, give or take, one of the stories my dad would tell me when I was a child, … Continue reading The Infinite Monkey Cage

Observação e Análise dos Ecossistemas nos Novos Templos Urbanos: o Ginásio

Há os que fecham os olhos e se entregam ao ritmo da respiração, e os que olham em volta como que à procura de confirmação de que têm o braço esticado no ângulo correcto e a perna dobrada na direcção pedida. Há as senhoras reformadas que investem no equipamento da moda e não se separam … Continue reading Observação e Análise dos Ecossistemas nos Novos Templos Urbanos: o Ginásio

‘Lady of the Sea’ – The Tale of the Devil’s Passage

(For the previous chapters, visit the Lady of the Sea's main page) Supper is always a pirate's favourite time. After a hard day's labour and maybe some plundering and canon-blowing, the men are finally able to rest their legs - be they wooden or otherwise - and gather around food and drink skillfully prepared by … Continue reading ‘Lady of the Sea’ – The Tale of the Devil’s Passage

Love affairs

Some books you'll cary around only for a quick escape. They may be deep and engaging, heart-wrenching and thought-provoking but (be honest), they are like a casual date with an interesting someone whenever you're able to fit them into your schedule. They fill in the spaces between home and work, or help you digest a … Continue reading Love affairs

Horror stories

Started reading The Plot Against America because of the current political scenario all over the Western world. Had to put it down after the result of the Brazilian elections, because of the current political scenario all over the Western world. Picked up David Mitchell's Slade House instead. Because reality is scarier than horror fiction and, … Continue reading Horror stories


Parece lenta por ser imensa a torrente que passa pela ampulheta. Devia entupir ou emitir sinal de alarme ao ver passar versos repetidos ou rimas pirosas. Ouve a areia, diz ela, não queres a tua âmbola cheia de poemas menores.